The products featured on this website are designed and hand-crafted by the Comfort Works team. We create templates from scratch for every cover and every brand. Our beautiful and practical fabrics are selected and tested in-house, and are different from the standard textiles of the sofa manufacturers.

Sofa Covers for IKEA Lillberg

Redis-Cover your IKEA Lillberg sofa

Enhance your IKEA Lillberg sofa with our sofa covers that offer a perfect fit. Made from high-performance fabrics, our covers provide liquid and stain resistance, are spot cleanable, weatherproof, and pet-friendly. All fabrics are OEKO-TEX certified and machine washable. Discover the perfect blend of style and practicality. Shop now!

An IKEA Lillberg in a navy blue cover in a cosy-looking living room with a grey throw draped over it
An IKEA Lillberg in a navy blue cover in a cosy-looking living room with a grey throw draped over it

Redis-Cover your IKEA Lillberg sofa

Enhance your IKEA Lillberg sofa with our sofa covers that offer a perfect fit. Made from high-performance fabrics, our covers provide liquid and stain resistance, are spot cleanable, weatherproof, and pet-friendly. All fabrics are OEKO-TEX certified and machine washable. Discover the perfect blend of style and practicality. Shop now!



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Save your IKEA Lillberg sofa

"The great thing about the Lillberg cushions is that they are ALL the same size regardless of whether it is on the armchair, rocker, the 2 seater, or the 3 seater sofa. If you have the sofa bed, note that they aren’t interchangeable with the other sizes.

Need design advice? We'd recommend strong solid colours and to give it a very classic look, our Urbanskin/Modena (Bycast leather) would make a bold statement. Tufting optional, but worth the aesthetic investment.

Give your discontinued IKEA Lillberg sofa new life with our beautifully handmade sofa slipcovers. Pick from over 70 gorgeous fabrics, including linens, cottons, velvets and leathers for a fabulously luxurious look minus the dent in your wallet. Then, add your own custom touches with pleated skirts, contrast piping, ribbons and side pockets for a look that's completely unique. Not sure where to start renewing your IKEA Lillberg sofa? Simply order a pack of our fabric samples and we'll hold your virtual hand as we design the perfect cover for you.

Save your sofa from ending up in a landfill, and more importantly, mother nature from becoming even more choked up than she already is, thanks to the estimated 2.12 billion of tonnes of waste that we dump into the environment every year. Upcycling your old, worn-out but much-loved IKEA Lillberg sofa is as easy as pushing a few buttons on your computer and adds years of life to it, all while minimizing the mess on mother nature behind you."


Fabric Details

Care Guide
Years Year
No care guide available for this fabric.