



The products featured on this website are designed and hand-crafted by the Comfort Works team. We create templates from scratch for every cover and every brand. Our beautiful and practical fabrics are selected and tested in-house, and are different from the standard textiles of the sofa manufacturers.

Sofa Covers for IKEA Bergmund

Redis-Cover your IKEA Bergmund sofa

Get your IKEA Bergmund barstool an upgrade with custom chair covers. Each IKEA barstool slipcover set is hand-made, from your pick of 70+ fabrics and customisations. Exclusive fabrics mean that your guests will never guess this was an IKEA barstool!
IKEA Bergmund bar stool in an amber Eco Twill cover
IKEA Bergmund bar stool in an amber Eco Twill cover

Redis-Cover your IKEA Bergmund sofa

Get your IKEA Bergmund barstool an upgrade with custom chair covers. Each IKEA barstool slipcover set is hand-made, from your pick of 70+ fabrics and customisations. Exclusive fabrics mean that your guests will never guess this was an IKEA barstool!


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