The products featured on this website are designed and hand-crafted by the Comfort Works team. We create templates from scratch for every cover and every brand. Our beautiful and practical fabrics are selected and tested in-house, and are different from the standard textiles of the sofa manufacturers.

Customising Your Sofa Slipcovers

“Did you know that we can personalize your sofa covers especially for you?”
Pure Linen Natural Slipcover in Snug Fit

Fit/Skirt Style

There are 2 types of fit, skirted and non-skirted which have different styles to cater to your individual preferences. Scroll down for more details.

Snug fit

The "Snug Fit" slipcover is made as it sounds, to give the sofa its look to be as close to the original as possible. Having said that, only certain sofa structures are able to look good in a snug fit.

The slipcover will also come with velcro for you to fasten the cover securely to your sofa base for an upholstered result.
Savannah Saddle in Snug Fit

Short straight skirt

This style is pretty similar to that of a snug fit sofa cover, with the cover stoping just below the main frame of the sofa leaving the original legs exposed. This style gives a relaxed look and offers the ease of installing your covers without the hassle of needing to attach any velcro.
Pure Linen White in Short Straight Skirt

Long straight skirt

If you prefer a style with cleaner lines like the short skirted style but without the legs being exposed, what about a long skirted style, without pleats?

Here, the frame cover is usually a single piece that is made traditionally to cover the sofa legs entirely to give it a more relaxed look.
Performance Weave Mineral Blue in Long Straight Skirt

Corner pleats

This customisation is just one level after the Straight Skirt - it's basically a long-skirted slipcover with corner pleats located specifically at the corners of your sofa.
Pure Linen White in Corner Pleats


Another level to the Corner Pleats would be the Multi-pleats - by default, we'll only add an extra pleat between the original corner pleats.
Performance Weave Teal in Multi-Pleats
However if you have a desired number of pleats to be put onto the slipcover, just let us know. It should be quite possible as pictured below.
Overview of Multi-Pleats (Special Order)

Seam options

The next basic customisation that you can alter for your slipcover would be the seams, check them out below

Plain seams

This is the most standard and it’s the basic look you get for anything sewn together. While there’s nothing too fancy with these seams, it can be the most visually appealing to many.
Plain Seams Close-up
Plain Seams Overview

Plain seams

This is the most standard and it’s the basic look you get for anything sewn together. While there’s nothing too fancy with these seams, it can be the most visually appealing to many.
Plain Seams Close-up
Plain Seams Overview

Matching piping

Instead of the standard plain seams, some might opt for a subtle "pop" to accentuate the shape of the sofa.

This is where matching piping could work, but do note that it does not mean the entire sofa would be outline.
Matching Piping Close-up
Overview of Matching Piping on Slipcover

Matching piping

Instead of the standard plain seams, some might opt for a subtle "pop" to accentuate the shape of the sofa.

This is where matching piping could work, but do note that it does not mean the entire sofa would be outline.
Matching Piping Close-up
Overview of Matching Piping on Slipcover

Contrast piping

To really spruce your slipcovers beyond the norm, you can opt for piping in a different colour and have the sofa stand out in the living space. If you need design advice, don't hesitate to contact us for the best contrasting fabrics!
Contrast piping to accentuate cushions and armrests
Textured Weave Frost Slipcover with Contrast Textured Weave Denim Piping

Contrast piping

To really spruce your slipcovers beyond the norm, you can opt for piping in a different colour and have the sofa stand out in the living space. If you need design advice, don't hesitate to contact us for the best contrasting fabrics!
Contrast piping to accentuate cushions and armrests
Textured Weave Frost Slipcover with Contrast Textured Weave Denim Piping
To find out more on how you can customise piping for your sofa or chair, head over to our detailed Piping Layout Guide.

Inverted seams

Also known as "French Seams" by some, this is an option for sofa shapes that are more defined and rectangular, so we wouldn't condone opting for this if you have a round-arm sofa.
Inverted Seams Close-up
Inverted Seams Overview

Inverted seams

Also known as "French Seams" by some, this is an option for sofa shapes that are more defined and rectangular, so we wouldn't condone opting for this if you have a round-arm sofa.
Inverted Seams Close-up
Inverted Seams Overview
Already decided on your customisations? Or just want to see what fabrics we have? You can check out our fabrics in person by getting some samples here.

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