



The products featured on this website are designed and hand-crafted by the Comfort Works team. We create templates from scratch for every cover and every brand. Our beautiful and practical fabrics are selected and tested in-house, and are different from the standard textiles of the sofa manufacturers.

Estimated Delivery Times

Fabric Samples:
(Normal Shipping)

1 to 2 weeks for Japan
2 to 3 weeks for all other countries

Fabric Samples:
(Express Shipping)

3 to 5 business days for Australia and North America
1 to 2 weeks for all other countries

Orders containing Ready Made items only:
(example: fabric by the meter & sofa legs)

2 to 3 weeks

Standard Slipcover Orders:
Normal Shipping
(no measurements required)

4 to 5 weeks

Standard Slipcover Orders with special customisation requests

2 to 4 weeks
Subject to the number and type of special customisations requested

Unconfirmed Model Orders:
(measurements required)

4 to 5 weeks
Timeline starts upon receipt of measurements, not order date.

Made-to-Measure Slipcover Orders:
(measurements required)

4 to 8 weeks
Timeline starts upon receipt of measurements, not order date.
*All delivery times are estimated and subject to local delivery conditions