The products featured on this website are designed and hand-crafted by the Comfort Works team. We create templates from scratch for every cover and every brand. Our beautiful and practical fabrics are selected and tested in-house, and are different from the standard textiles of the sofa manufacturers.

Sofa Covers for IKEA Flottebo

Redis-Cover Your IKEA Flottebo Sofa Bed

Give your IKEA Flottebo sleeper sofa an upgrade with our custom sofa covers. Choose from 70+ exclusive fabrics for a designer look for your Flottebo sofa bed.

IKEA Flottebo sofa bed in a light pink rose Brushed Cotton cover
IKEA Flottebo sofa bed in a light pink rose Brushed Cotton cover

Redis-Cover Your IKEA Flottebo Sofa Bed

Give your IKEA Flottebo sleeper sofa an upgrade with our custom sofa covers. Choose from 70+ exclusive fabrics for a designer look for your Flottebo sofa bed.

Upgrade your Flottebo sleeper sofa

The Flottebo comes from the IKEA sofa bed family in two depth sizes: 120cm and 90cm. The minimalist sofa bed comes with subtle details such as the legs being covered in the same fabric, we make covers for the legs in the same way as IKEA. Additionaly there are two straps to lift the bed compartment.

Transform the look of your IKEA Flottebo sofa bed with a beautifully-handmade custom replacement slipcover. With over 70 gorgeous fabrics, colours to choose from, it's easy to change up its look in just minutes, at a price that won't break the bank.

Get fabric samples here, test them out and then let us guide you through the process of designing the perfect replacement cover for your beloved IKEA Flottebo sleeper.

No matter where you are in the world, we'll get your custom covers to your doorstep for free for any purchase above US$150. Have questions? All you have to do is get in touch with our customer service dudes and dudettes, who will get you sorted in no time.



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