The products featured on this website are designed and hand-crafted by the Comfort Works team. We create templates from scratch for every cover and every brand. Our beautiful and practical fabrics are selected and tested in-house, and are different from the standard textiles of the sofa manufacturers.

Sofa Covers for IKEA Backabro

Redis-Cover your IKEA Backabro sofa

Looking for a Backabro slipcover? Personalise and transform your Backabro sofa bed now with kid and pet friendly slipcovers, delivered to your doorstep.
A medium grey IKEA Backabro sofa on a lighter grey background with a white vase beside it
A medium grey IKEA Backabro sofa on a lighter grey background with a white vase beside it

Redis-Cover your IKEA Backabro sofa

Looking for a Backabro slipcover? Personalise and transform your Backabro sofa bed now with kid and pet friendly slipcovers, delivered to your doorstep.


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Re-Cover your Backabro sofa

The Backabro comes from the IKEA sofa bed family in two sizes. The Backabro sofa bed and the Backabro Sofa Bed with Chaise. Easily confused for the Moheda, the simplest way to spot the difference is the number of back cushions - the Backabro has 3 while the Moheda has 6.

Our hand made slipcovers also comes with high side pleats like the original. With over 60 fabric choices, you’ll find something that suits your home and style. So whenever the makeover bug bites, get a new cover to instantly update your living space.

Fun fact: The IKEA Backabro and Vilasund first appeared in 2014, but did not seem to exist for over a year. Read more about how the IKEA Backabro and Vilasund sofa beds were discontinued here.


Fabric Details

Care Guide
Years Year
No care guide available for this fabric.