Los productos que aparecen en este sitio web están diseñados y hechos a mano por el equipo de Comfort Works. Creamos plantillas desde cero para cada portada y cada marca. Nuestros hermosos y prácticos tejidos se seleccionan y prueban internamente y son diferentes de los tejidos estándar de los fabricantes de sofás.

How to choose your slipcover fabric

Everything you need to know about selecting the right sofa fabric for your home and lifestyle

Consider your cats (erm, kids).

Dog biting on a pet-friendly Claw-proof Velvet Rose sofa slipcover
If you're a cat, dog or human parent or all three, you'll want to make sure your sofa's pretty much life-proof.

This means going for a fabric that's not just durable, but also resistant to liquid spills and scratches.

No pets or little humans to watch out for? Then ditch the tougher weaves for pure comfort with our ultra-soft fabrics that have you cozy as a clam.
Dog biting on a pet-friendly Claw-proof Velvet Rose sofa slipcover
If you're a cat, dog or human parent or all three, you'll want to make sure your sofa's pretty much life-proof.

This means going for a fabric that's not just durable, but also resistant to liquid spills and scratches.

No pets or little humans to watch out for? Then ditch the tougher weaves for pure comfort with our ultra-soft fabrics that have you cozy as a clam.

Natural or human-made: Which floats your boat?

Close-up of sofa couch cushion in Pure Linen Natural slipcover in a minimalist living room
It all depends on how you plan to use your sofa (not as a trampoline, hopefully).

If you're a big fan of napping and *ahem* reading like we are, you'll do really well with a natural, breathable fabric like pure cotton and linen.

Need something a little more um, shall we say...enduring? Then you're better off with a synthetic blend with a tighter, smoother and less liquid-absorbent weave like polyester.
Close-up of sofa couch cushion in Pure Linen Natural slipcover in a minimalist living room
It all depends on how you plan to use your sofa (not as a trampoline, hopefully).

If you're a big fan of napping and *ahem* reading like we are, you'll do really well with a natural, breathable fabric like pure cotton and linen.

Need something a little more um, shall we say...enduring? Then you're better off with a synthetic blend with a tighter, smoother and less liquid-absorbent weave like polyester.

Looks matter, so what's it gonna be?

Cat walking past a sofa couch with a custom grey slipcover featuring blue piping
What’s the point in buying a sofa slipcover – or any piece of furniture – without having a little bit of fun with the way it magically transforms your space?

Now’s the time to let your inner interior designer run free. Some questions to consider asking yourself:“Is my space warm, neutral or just too cool for school?”; “Do I want everything to be matchy-matchy or make eyeballs pop with contrast?”; “Will this colour match my dog’s fur perfectly?”.

You know, stuff like that.
Cat walking past a sofa couch with a custom grey slipcover featuring blue piping
What’s the point in buying a sofa slipcover – or any piece of furniture – without having a little bit of fun with the way it magically transforms your space?

Now’s the time to let your inner interior designer run free. Some questions to consider asking yourself:“Is my space warm, neutral or just too cool for school?”; “Do I want everything to be matchy-matchy or make eyeballs pop with contrast?”; “Will this colour match my dog’s fur perfectly?”.

You know, stuff like that.

Our best-sellers

Slipcover fabrics our customers can’t get enough of.

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Características de las fundas
No care guide available for this fabric.