Los productos que aparecen en este sitio web están diseñados y hechos a mano por el equipo de Comfort Works. Creamos plantillas desde cero para cada portada y cada marca. Nuestros hermosos y prácticos tejidos se seleccionan y prueban internamente y son diferentes de los tejidos estándar de los fabricantes de sofás.

Covers for Laura Ashley

Redis-Cover your Laura Ashley Sofa

Want to upgrade your Laura Ashley with an affordable slipcover? Start personalising your Laura Ashley sofas, armchairs, ottomans or sectionals with machine washable and super tough textiles simply by first selecting the size of your furniture below!

Sofa covers
Laura Ashley Padstow sofa with extremely durable and machine-washable textured weave ash slipcover
Laura Ashley Padstow sofa with extremely durable and machine-washable textured weave ash slipcover

Redis-Cover your Laura Ashley Sofa

Want to upgrade your Laura Ashley with an affordable slipcover? Start personalising your Laura Ashley sofas, armchairs, ottomans or sectionals with machine washable and super tough textiles simply by first selecting the size of your furniture below!

Sofa covers

Upgrade your Laura Ashley sofa

Don't see your sofa here? Have a Laura Ashley Abingdon or Austwick? No matter which Laura Ashley sofa you have, just shoot us a photo and contact us for a quote, we can still help!When it comes to customisations, the sky is the limit. We even customise the pleats, skirts and style to your liking, look out for customisation options in your slipcover's fabric selector. We’re currently expanding our library of Laura Ashley slipcover templates and are offering covers for more sofa models at flat, introductory prices in exchange for your sofa measurements, for a limited time.


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